Ivan Kireevskii

Ivan Kireevskii

Philosopher. Poet.

Now available

Volume II of Ivan Kireevskii’s

les poemes philosophique Series

Advance Praise for Les Poemes Philosophique

  • “Where you find these profound words is miraculous.”

    Kathryn Young

  • “I'm intrigued by your insights… your poems are amazing… Clear and distinct thought… the journey from the head to the heart.”

    Ralph Harmon

  • “… deeply beautiful.”

    Benjamin Blues

  • "I love the ebb and flow of the passage. Brilliant.”

    Carole De La Osa

  • “ … your words are always moving and thought provoking.”

    Maria Tsopels

  • "You are reaching my heart… your poetry speaks to my soul.”

    Kaya Cooper

  • “Beautiful and very poignant… You are the voice of the oppressed… your pain and their pain has a voice.”

    Maria Rance

  • “Beautiful and haunting.”

    Donna Stone

  • “We have a shortage of modern-day poets who can express themselves like Yeats or Byron. Keep up the great work.”

    Kathryn Young

  • “Absolutely beautiful.”

    Jasleen Malhotra

  • “Wow! Sometimes you have to crawl through a lot of mainstream media indoctrination… but every now and then you find a gem like this.”

    Jen Hall

  • “Impressive… poetry comes alive.”

    Fumi Amoda


Ivan Kireevskii’s
2022 poetry collection


Ivan Kireevskii is a poet exploring views on the synthesis at the edge of inquiry into the world. His is the study of the simple and the complex.

Drawing on the physical sciences, anthropology, psychology, religion, philosophy and the arts, Kireevskii offers a unique and disquieting perspective as he reshapes the words, thoughts and theories of some of the greatest thinkers of times past to the brightest of present day.

Previous Work by Ivan Kireevskii

Like Kireevskii himself, you’ll find these everywhere and nowhere.

The cover of Second Decade

Second Decade

Second Decade is Ivan Kireevskii’s most unique collection of poems written during the second decade of our new century... during a time of conflict and upheaval... a time of hope and of fear and uncertainty. Included in the body of this work are the words Ivan Kireevskii has carved, chiseled and sculpted in the first five volumes of his Sculptum Est Prosa series.

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The Vase of Suso
and the Lost Scrolls of ‘J’

Have you ever wondered what a dialogue would be like between Nagarjuna, Nietzsche, Jesus, William Blake, Charles Darwin, and the mysterious, unknown author known as ‘J’? In Ivan Kireevskii’s most ambitious work to date, his epic poem journeys through the thoughts, words, and teachings of history’s most celebrated teachers, prophets, storytellers, and mystics.

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Sculptum Est Prosa: The Voices of Genius (Volume 1)

Astronomers peer into the heavens, mathematicians devise elaborate theories, physicists construct complex machines, and philosophers search for the ultimate answers and indeed, the ultimate questions. Kireevskii’s poems are haunted by their voices in which their words have been sculptured to harmonize.

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The Voices of Silence is the second volume by Ivan Kireevskii.

Sculptum Est Prosa: The Voices of Silence (Volume 2)

This volume explores the range and uses of quotations, echoes, and allusions drawn from thousands of intertextual instances that Kireevskii has recognized in his work. The principal interest of the echoes examined here lies in the revaluation of the poet and the theoretical issues his varied use of them suggests.

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Voices of the Unpeople is the third volume by Ivan Kireevskii.

Sculptum Est Prosa: The Voices of the Unpeople (Volume 3)

In this third volume of his Sculptum Est Prosa series, Kireevskii captures the events and forces prompting the disheartening loss of millions of lives while examining the connection to geopolitical and economic interests of today’s global powers. Within poems haunted by the voices of political leaders, writers, historians, scientists, philosophers, thinkers, world citizens, and activists of all kinds, Kireevskii reflects on human tragedy while exploring the causes and effects and their consequences.

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The Voices of the Oceans and the Trees is the fourth volume by Ivan Kireevskii.

Sculptum Est Prosa: The Voices of the Oceans and Trees (Volume 4)

The world sits on the precipice of social unrest, economic uncertainty and a pandemic of historic proportions. We are at a place as a civilization that has up to now been conjured only in the works of fiction. But here we are. In this fourth volume, Kireevski asks how much of this has been brought due to our own selfishness, greed, and total disregard for our planet and the plight of our sentient kin and one another?

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The Voices of the Bankers and the Thieves is the fifth volume by Ivan Kireevskii.

Sculptum Est Prosa: The Voices of the Bankers and the Thieves (Volume 5)

The inherently divisive and exploitative nature of capitalism is readily apparent when one draws back the curtain of the global banking system. One peek reveals their inner workings, where it becomes clear that it looks less like a legitimate business enterprise and more like a criminal syndicate running a lucrative extortion racket. While the middle class melts away, banks have profited at every step. In this volume, Kireevski makes clear that the forty-year experiment of “trickle-down” economics has favored the interest of Wall Street speculators but has been a dismal failure for the average working man and woman.

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Who is Ivan Kireevskii?

A wandering ascetic, a born stoic; Ivan Kireevskii was taught by Hume and learned to question the absolute. He became Vienna’s myth-maker. He is Michelangelo and will paint you sadness. He is Montaigne and has relished solitude. He is Descartes—was born a devout stranger, never a child. There is no official photograph of Kireevskii. One cannot photograph him any more than one can photograph the wind.

Contact the Author

Send your message into the ether, floated on delicate swirls of hope and curiosity. Kireevskii will answer.